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UU – Online Encoders and Decoders

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Examples #

Try a few example inputs:
  • [TRY] Encode the string 'Online Domain Tools' in base64
  • [TRY] Decode the string 'T25saW5lIERvbWFpbiBUb29scw==' with base64
  • [TRY] Encode the string 'Online Domain Tools' with bin2hex
  • [TRY] Encode domains 'viva-españ' and 'кц.рф' with Punycode

See Also #

Description #

Online Encoders and Decoders consists of several tools that allow you to encode or decode data using various methods. Our implementation supports both the text string input and the file input. If the data you want to encode or decode are in the form of a short string we recommend using the text string input. On the other hand for larger input data we recommend you to use a file as an input. On the output you are given the result in the form of a text or a hex dump, depending on the contents of the output, as well as in the form of a file that you can download. In case of large outputs the plain text output or the hex dump output may be truncated. The file output is always complete.

Various encodings are used since computers were born. Even common users have probably met different code page encoding problems that caused a web site content or an email message to be unreadable, especially if not written in English. Other encodings exist to enable transfer of binary data through text-based protocols that use only a limited set of characters.

A brief description of available tools follows:

  • Base64 Encoder is a tool that helps you convert binary data to ASCII string format that uses 64 printable ASCII characters. The Base64 encoding is typically used for transfering email messages because email formats does not support binary data.
  • URL Encoder encodes unsafe characters so that the output can be used as a valid part of a URL. Unsafe characters are in most cases replaced with hexadecimal codes (%<two hexadecimal digits>).
  • IDN Encoder converts Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) to Punycode representation which consists of ASCII characters and the prefix xn--. The conversion of an IDN domain to Punycode is necessary in order for the Domain Name System (DNS) to understand and manage the names. For example, viva-españ is converted to
  • Uuencoder is a tool that converts to and from uuencoding. The uuencoding is a binary to ASCII encoding that comes from Unix where it was used for transmitting of binary files on the top of text-based protocols.
  • Code page Encoder converts text data from one encoding to another one. Note that source code page for text inputs is always UTF-8. If you want to use another source code page, please use file input.
  • XML Encoder encodes all characters with their corresponding XML entities if such entity exists. For example, <, > and & are converted to &lt;, &gt; and &amp;, correspondingly
  • Bin-Hex Encoder is a tool that is similar to Base64 Encoder. The difference between tools is that Bin-Hex Encoder employs Base16 encoding (a string of hexadecimal digits) instead of Base64.

Usage #

Online Encoders and Decoders makes it simple to encode or decode data. Firstly, choose the type of encoding tool in the Tool field. Then, using the Input type field, choose whether you want to use a text string as an input or a file. Type your input to the Text string field or select the input file through the File field and finally, hit the "Encode!" or the "Decode!" button. If you click the "Encode!" button it is assumed that the input is not encoded and you want to encode it. If you click the "Decode!" button it is assumed that the input is encoded and you want to decode it.

In case of Code page Encoder/Decoder tool, you also have to choose the source code page and the target code page. This tool has only one button – the "Convert!" button, which does the conversion of the input data from the source code page encoding to the target code page encoding.

In case of IDN Encoder/Decoder tool, you can encode or decode more domains at once if each domain is on a separate line.

In case of Uuencoder/Uudecoder tool, use Add header line (encoding only) check box to specify whether you want Uuencoder's output to contain a uuencoding header. Uudecoder works automatically with both formats of input with and without a header.

For your convenience, the Switch input and output! link is available, if applicable, after a tool is run. The link exchanges contents of the output field with the input text field. In some cases switching of input and output is disabled.

Limits #

The input text string is limited to 131072 characters. The size of the input file is limited to 2 MB.